All art is available to purchase. If you are interested in any painting then please get in touch via the Contact page.

Acrylic & Mixed Media

For me, acrylic paint offers endless possibilities … its versatility & quick drying give me the freedom to work intuitively & spontaneously. I enjoy layering the paint (sometimes using collage to add an extra dimension) and then removing & scraping away to revel hidden depths.


My very first painting medium was watercolour. I have always found that its fluidity & immediacy allow me to work in a free & intuitive way. I often comine other mediums such as ink, gouache, pencils & pens with my watercolour work & enjoy exploring its application in a more contemporary & bolder way.


Also known as monoprints, monotypes are ‘one-off’ prints – each print pulled from the plate is unique. Paint or ink is applied to a Gelli plate, paper is pressed in the plate, then pulled to reveal a print. I love making multi-layered prints, creating expressive textural effects & will often hand-finish the prints.